Updates August 25, 2022
In accordance with article n ° 6 of Law n ° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, it is specified to users of the site www.meetch.io the identity of the various stakeholders in the context of its implementation and monitoring:
Site Editor
Editorial manager: Gérald Beyrand
141 avenue de Wagram, 75017 PARIS
Email: contact@meetch.io
Website: www.meetch.io
Meetch is a trademark of the company PHENOMEN
OVH SAS with capital of €10,174,560
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
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TVA: FR 22 424 761 419
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
President: Michel Paulin
OVH SAS is a subsidiary of OVH Groupe SA, a company registered with the Lille RCS under number 537 407 926 located at 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.
141 avenue de Wagram, 75017 PARIS
Email: tech@meetch.io