Terms and conditions

Please read carefully the different terms of use of this site before browsing its pages. By connecting to this site, you unreservedly accept these terms and conditions.

Terms of use

This site is offered in different web languages ​​(HTML, HTML5, Javascript, CSS, etc.) for better user comfort and more pleasant graphics, we recommend that you use modern browsers such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.

Cookies: The www.meetch.io website may ask you to accept cookies for statistical and display purposes. A cookie is information placed on your hard drive by the server of the site you are visiting. It contains several data that are stored on your computer in a simple text file that a server accesses to read and save information. Certain parts of this site cannot be functional without the acceptance of cookies.

Hypertext links: : Les sites internet ne peuvent pas offrir des liens vers d’autres sites internet ou d’autres ressources disponibles sur Internet. Phenomen has no way to control the sites in connection with its websites. Phenomen does not answer for the availability of such sites and external sources, nor does it guarantee it. It cannot be held responsible for any damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from the content of these sites or external sources, and in particular from the information, products or services they offer, or from any use that may be made of these elements. The risks associated with this use are entirely the responsibility of the Internet user, who must comply with their conditions of use.

Users, subscribers and visitors to websites may not set up a hyperlink to this site without the express prior authorization of Phenomen.

In the event that a user or visitor wishes to set up a hyperlink to one of the websites of Phenomen, it will be up to him to send an email accessible on the site in order to formulate his request to set up a hyperlink. Phenomen reserves the right to accept or refuse a hyperlink without having to justify its decision.

Services provided

All the activities of the company as well as its information are presented on our site www.meetch.io.

Phenomen strives to provide on the site www.meetch.io information as precise as possible. The information on the site www.meetch.io are not exhaustive and the photos are not contractual. They are given subject to modifications having been made since they were put online. In addition, all the information indicated on the site www.meetch.io are given for information only, and is likely to change or evolve without notice.

Contractual limitations on data

The information contained on this site is as accurate as possible and the site updated at different times of the year, but may however contain inaccuracies or omissions. If you notice a gap, error or what appears to be a malfunction, please report it by email, to contact@meetch.io, describing the problem as precisely as possible (problematic page, type of computer and browser used, etc.).

Any downloaded content is done at the risk and peril of the user and under his sole responsibility. Consequently, Phenomen cannot be held responsible for any damage suffered by the user's computer or any loss of data resulting from the download. In addition, the user of the site agrees to access the site using recent equipment, not containing viruses and with an updated latest generation browser.

The hypertext links set up within the framework of this website towards other resources present on the Internet network cannot engage the responsibility of Phenomen.

Intellectual property

All content of this site www.meetch.io, including, but not limited to, graphics, images, texts, videos, animations, sounds, logos, gifs and icons as well as their formatting are the exclusive property of the company with the exception of trademarks, logos or content belonging to other partner companies or authors.

Any reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, retransmission or publication, even partial, of these various elements is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Phenomen. This representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may engage the civil and criminal liability of the counterfeiter. Additionally, the owners of the copied content may take legal action against you.


These conditions of the site www.meetch.io are governed by French law and any dispute or litigation that may arise from the interpretation or execution of these will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts on which depends the registered office of the society. The reference language for the settlement of any disputes is French.


In the event of difficulty relating to the management of his membership, contributions or a claim, the member/customer may address his complaint to the Complaints Department of the Managing Broker, which can be entered as follows:

  • Post: PHENOMEN – 141 avenue de Wagram 75017 PARIS

The Managing Broker's Complaints Department undertakes to acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 10 working days of its receipt date (even if the response to the complaint is also provided within this period) and, in any case, to provide a response to the complaint within a maximum of 2 months following the date of receipt.

Si le désaccord persiste après la réponse donnée par l’Assureur, vous pouvez solliciter par courrier postal l’avis du médiateur l’Institut d’Expertise d’Arbitrage et de Médiation (« IEAM ») dont le siège social est situé Palais du Tribunal de Commerce de Paris, 1 Quai de Corse 75004 Paris et dont les bureaux & secrétariat sont situés 31 bis-33 rue Daru 75008 Paris ou par email à l’adresse ieam-paris@ieam.eu ou par téléphone au +33(0)1 42 27 28 83

PHENOMEN is an insurance broker subject to the control of the Prudential Control Authority located at 4, place de Budapest 75436 Paris cedex 09

Personal data

Phenomen ensures compliance with personal data processed in accordance with the law relating to data, files and freedoms of January 6, 1978 in its current version and the General (EU) Regulation on data protection of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter “GDPR”), governing the collection, processing and retention of personal data.

Pursuant to these provisions, Phenomen has implemented a procedure intended to guarantee the security of the data collected and the rights of the persons whose data is processed.

Purposes of data collection

The personal data collected by Phenomen is intended for:

  • Subscribe to an insurance contract,
  • Ensure the monitoring and management of the insurance contract,
  • Manage any claims,
  • Allow the use of the following website, MEETCH,
  • Comply with MEETCH 's legal obligations in terms of compliance with the anti-money laundering and terrorist financing system, the asset freezing system, the fight against fraud as well as all the legal obligations weighing on insurance distributors,
  • Carry out statistics or internal studies in-house,
  • Study the specific needs of the client/insured,
  • Manage appeals, claims management and litigation,
  • Set up research and development actions,
  • Carry out satisfaction surveys,
  • Manage invoicing, follow-up of unpaid bills and disputes,
  • Prevent and fight against computer fraud.

The information collected is reserved for the use of the Company and may only be communicated to Phenomen's insurers, agents or subcontractors, as well as to Phenomen's service providers, experts, lawyers, medical advisers on optionally.

Some data may be communicated to all judicial and administrative authorities and to all authorized third parties (courts, control authority, services responsible for control, auditor, audit, internal control) who so request, as well as to service providers. techniques or services and in particular the Company in charge of hosting the site, it being understood that the third-party provider does not have the right to use the data provided for purposes other than the mission for which the data is entrusted to it and/or for the sole purpose of performing the service.

The collected data

The term "personal data" means information that directly or indirectly identifies a person, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or one or more specific elements specific to your physical identity, …

As part of its activity, Phenomen most of the time has the quality of data controller.

‍The data controller is: “the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing (…)“.

The personal data that may be collected by Phenomen are the following :

  • Contact information such as surname, first name, title, email address, postal address, telephone numbers;
  • Practical methods of contact, email, mail, subscription to a newsletter;
  • Any other relevant data such as your professional activity, your preferred contact language, your geographical location, etc.

Additional information may be collected:

When subscribing to a contract, creating an account on the website, or to access any other offer or service.

  • Username and password used;
  • Information relating to the means of payment (in particular bank card number, IBAN/SWIFT/BIC number);

For the duration of the business relationship

  • Information relating to insurance contracts taken out, service orders, billing and payment where applicable;
  • Complaints to the dedicated service.

As part of the conclusion, management and performance of insurance and/or reinsurance contracts

  • Data relating to the identification of parties, interested parties or parties to the contract (civil status, contact details, nationality, etc.);
  • Data relating to the family, economic, patrimonial and financial situation (income, heritage, etc.);
  • Data relating to the professional situation (profession, socio-professional category, employer, etc.);
  • The data necessary for the assessment of the risk; the data related to the signing, application and management of the contract (means of payment, direct debit authorization, bank details, etc.);
  • Data relating to the determination or assessment of damages and benefits (details of claims, data related to victims, etc.);
  • Data relating to personal life and lifestyle and the use of goods in relation to the risks insured or the services offered;
  • Connection and traceability data (cookies, connections to the customer area, etc.);
  • Sensitive data necessary for contractual performance or the execution of pre-contractual measures or necessary for compliance with legal, regulatory or administrative provisions (health reimbursement data, description of bodily injuries, production of medical certificates, medical questionnaires, etc. ).

Collection of sensitive data

Only sensitive data strictly necessary for the provision of the services offered by Phenomen are collected.

These are mainly medical data in the context of the management of cancellation claims or the subscription of certain contracts, banking data in order to meet contractual requirements or deliver the expected service.

If this data is communicated on behalf of a third party, it is up to the person communicating this data to ensure the consent of the person concerned.

The rights of the people whose data is collected

Each client/prospect of Phenomen remains in control of its data.

‍It is treated in a transparent, confidential and secure manner in order to guarantee the rights of individuals. In this sense, Phenomen undertakes to respect a certain number of measures intended to guarantee the effectiveness of these rights:

The consent of the person

The data collected by Phenomen can only be collected subject to the express agreement of the person concerned. Thus, the data must be freely communicated through the subscription interface or on paper, which makes it possible to materialize the consent of the customers who remain free to answer the questions asked. However, if the customer does not wish to communicate the information requested of him, it is possible that the contractual relationship cannot be completed or that a claim cannot be settled.

‍Customers are adults (major).

Failing this, the customer declares to have previously received the consent of his parents or legal representatives to the collection and use of his personal data.

Relevance of the data collected

Only the data strictly necessary for the exercise of the service for which Phenomen is requested, will be requested from the customers.

The data collected is thus strictly limited to the purpose of the processing implemented.

The processing of personal data collected by Phenomen is justified by:

  • The execution of pre-contractual or contractual measures to which the customer, the insured or the beneficiary is a party, or the employer on behalf of its employees;
  • Compliance with legal or tax obligations;
  • The consent of the data subject;
  • The legitimate interest of Phenomen, subject to respect for the rights of the persons concerned.
Right to data portability

Phenomen offers its customers the possibility of having access to their personal data in a readable format, as well as the possibility of transmitting this data to another data controller.

Right of opposition

Anyone has the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of their data. She can refuse to communicate her personal data or exercise her right of opposition. However, if the client/prospect does not wish to communicate the information requested of him, it is possible that Phenomen is unable to respond to their request.

Right of access and verification

Any customer of Phenomen can:

  • Access all the information concerning him,
  • Know the origin of the information concerning him,
  • Access the information on which the person in charge of the file relied to make a decision concerning it,
  • Obtain a copy, (fees not exceeding the cost of reproduction may be requested),
  • Require that their data be, as the case may be, rectified, completed, updated or deleted.

These rights are guaranteed by Phenomen.

Otherwise, the right of access must be exercised:

In writing by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, accompanied by a copy of an identity document to:

141 avenue de Wagram 75017 PARIS
or by sending an e-mail to the following address: dpo@meetch.io

Phenomen undertakes to provide an answer within a maximum period of 1 month from the date of receipt of the request. If the request is incomplete (absence of identity document for example), the person responsible for the file is entitled to request additional information: the period is then suspended and runs again once these elements have been provided.

Phenomen reserves the right to:

  • Refuse the request for access, this refusal will be motivated and may be contested if necessary;
  • Do not respond to requests that are manifestly abusive, in particular by their number, their repetitive or systematic nature.

Requests for the deletion of personal data can only be implemented in compliance with the obligations imposed on Phenomen by the applicable legislation, in particular with regard to the conservation or archiving of documents and in compliance with the professional obligations incumbent on insurance distributors. Finally, customers of Phenomen may file a complaint with the supervisory authorities, and in particular the CNIL (https://www.cnil.fr/fr/plaintes).

Any request for access, rectification or opposition must be sent in writing, with the contact details of the applicant and a copy of an identity document, to:

141 avenue de Wagram 75017 PARIS

Right to restriction of processing

Any person whose data is collected by Phenomen may request restriction of processing if:

  • An inaccuracy of the data is noted;
  • The processing is unlawful;
  • The data are no longer necessary for the purposes of the processing concerned but are necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal rights of Phenomen ;
  • The legitimate interest invoked for the purpose of data collection is disputed, the processing may be limited to the time of the checks necessary for the validity of the reason for processing.

Transfer of data outside the European Union

Phenomen may be required to transfer personal data to member or non-member countries of the European Economic Area, whose personal protection legislation differs from that of the European Union.

In this case, Phenomen uses various legal mechanisms to ensure the maintenance of a data protection regime that complies with legal requirements and in particular by:

  • The implementation of standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, which guarantee that personal data is processed with a level of protection equivalent to that of the European Economic Area;
  • The use of providers certified to the Privacy Shield, or recipients who have adopted a precise and demanding contractual framework, in accordance with the models adopted by the European Commission, as well as appropriate security measures, ensuring the protection of the personal data transferred.
  • Transfers of personal data made strictly necessary take place under conditions and under guarantees specific to ensuring the confidentiality and security of this data.
  • Data transfers outside the European Economic Area are mainly intended for the United Kingdom and Switzerland.

For any request for additional information on access to data by recipients located outside the EEA, please send a request to:

141 avenue de Wagram 75017 PARIS

Data storage

The data collected is hosted by a subcontractor who has all the necessary accreditations and who is committed to respecting the protection of personal data.

Data retention

Phenomen undertakes to keep the data for the time necessary to achieve the purposes pursued by the processing and then for the retention periods provided for by the legal requirements.

In the absence of conclusion of a contract, the data are kept for a maximum period of three years from their collection (establishment of an estimate, request for information, etc.).

Phenomen has adopted the appropriate organizational and security measures to guarantee the destruction or archiving of data.

Data Security

To guarantee optimal respect for the right to privacy and respect for personal data, Phenomen makes its best efforts, taking all appropriate measures, to ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal data collected in order to protect them against any loss, accidental destruction, alteration and unauthorized access. In this regard, Phenomen puts in place all the necessary precautions, with regard to the nature of the data and the risks presented by the processing, in order to preserve the security of the data and, in particular, to prevent them from being distorted, damaged, or that third parties not have access to it (physical protection of the premises, authentication processes with personal and secure access via confidential identifiers and passwords, logging of connections, encryption of certain data, etc.).

However, Phenomen does not control all the risks of intrusion by way of hacking or inherent to the operation and use of the Internet, and for which Phenomen cannot be held responsible.

Update of the Personal Data Processing Policy

Phenomen may update this Data Protection Policy directly online.

This document was updated on June 1, 2022.

This document is not of a contractual nature and does not create any obligation on either side beyond what is already provided for by the legislation on the protection of personal data and/or contractual commitments between the parties. .
